Any fellow believers take issue with the premise of this advertisement? Or should I say the viewpoint that spawns it? Unfortunately, it's a viewpoint that has permeated the Body of Christ and is seldom questioned. We even teach courses through the institutional church to help believers become prosperous by taking control of their finances.
Oh, I know... there's purpose to being financially prosperous. It's usually enveloped within the potential to give more to the work of the Kingdom. But fundamentally, foundationally, at the core of a walk aligned spiritually is our trust centralized in our Father (a friend would say our Daddy) not only as owner of all the cattle on a thousand hills, but also as the loving provider for His children.
Is it God's will for us to be financially free? Is it God's will for us to build wealth for the future? Is it God's will for us to be wealthy? Could be, but not necessarily for every believer. Strike that... It IS His will for every believer to be financially free, just not the way we tend to think of it. Is it God's will for us to seek Him over stuff? Is it God's will for us to consistently spend time with Him thereby developing an enduring deep relationship with Him? Is it God's will for us to have a correct perspective of the things of this world and the reality of His Kingdom? Yes. Yes! YES!
5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding; 6 think about Him in all your ways, and He will guide you on the right paths." That last part in some translations say He will make your way prosperous. If you are pursuing financial peace this year, please accept the challenge to pursue God at least as much as you pursue wealth. He doesn't need your financial help. You DO need the relationship He pursues with you.Proverbs 3:5,6