Monday, May 11, 2009

Why must there be "Christian" this and "Christian" that?

I was just on responding to some messages and checking the schedule for the week to make sure the groups I was part of are on my schedule for the week, and looking to see what new groups might have bloomed over the last week. I've found is a great place to discover opportunities to get plugged as an "as you are going" Christ Follower.

This morning I see a Northern Colorado Christian Business Something Or Other... Can anyone tell me why business people need to have a "Christian" business organization? You have "church" to gather with others you consider likeminded. Why this cultic practice of subdividing yourselves from every opportunity for relationships where you could be useful to Father?

This is directly counter to how you see Jesus walking among us. Other than his group of the twelve he was consistently out among the people at their events and their gatherings. He neither practiced nor advocated a "Christian subculture" removed from the step and pace of everyday life.

Perhaps it's because we have confused being separate in how we live our lives among the rest of the world as Jesus did, in how we determine our priorities with just being separate completely. While those who follow Christ were dubbed "the called out ones" by Jesus, I don't believe we were called out to be closed away, closed minded, closed off, closed down -- a closed subculture.

Your church staff will be very frustrated with me on this one, but let me challenge you to go to, find a group that shares your hobby or work interests and plug int to see how Father can use you in a group outside the walls of the subculture you've been hiding in without realizing it.