Thursday, November 30, 2006

Web 2.0 and Church 2.0

Okay, so I've been "away" for a while. Just distracted. So, let me try to get back in the swing with a portion of an article I read today about the Web 2.0 craze (Web 2.0: The Power Behind the Hype). One of the interesting things about the Web 2.0 movement is how many similarities there are between it's relationship to Web 1.0 when considered against the relationship between the existing institutionalized church and the church that seems to be being reborn as a movement. Here's the interesting quote that sparked this post:
Web 2.0 isn't a 'thing', but a collection of approaches, which are all converging on the development world at a rapid pace. These approaches, including APIs, RSS, Folksonomies, and Social Networking, suddenly give application developers a new way to approach hard problems with surprisingly effective results.

So, let's reword:
Church 2.0 isn't a 'thing', but a collection of approaches, which are converging on the believing world at a rapid pace. These approaches, including the desire on the part of folks to be part of a movement not necessarily part of an organization, having a missional focus, wanting to transform the community we live in from the inside out vs. from the outside in, redeeming the use of culture rather than rejecting it, (etc.) suddenly give believers a new way to approach hard problems with surprisingly effective results.

Wow! There is a new "web" emerging right under our nose. There is a rebirth of Jesus' Body occurring as well. I want to use the new web. I want to be part of a movement.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Did you ever wonder...

I have a cold right now. Stuffy head, scratchy throat, coughing... you the drill. UGH!

Driving into work this morning, as is my usual practice, I was meditating on Jesus and the Word when I started wondering... Did Jesus ever have a cold? That led to others and, well... here's some of the wondering (wandering) thoughts:

  • Did Jesus ever stub his toe?

  • Did Jesus ever tattle on his brother or sister?

  • Did he sooth the sore thumb of his earthly father Joseph when Joseph missed with his hammer?

  • Was he ever tempted to look to heaven when he had to clean up the workshop after a busy day of building?

  • Did Jesus ever have a hangnail? Did he just heal it?

  • Did Jesus ever have a bad hair day?

  • Did Jesus ever have a button fall off? Did he just touch it and it was sewn back on?

  • Did Jesus' sandal straps ever break? Did he tie them back together? Speak and new ones were in place of the old ones? Or did he just look up to heaven and the two pieces were one?

  • Did Jesus ever have an ingrown hair?

  • Did Jesus have any allergies?

  • When talking to someone and the sun was in his eyes was he tempted to produce a cloud to shield his eyes?

  • Did Jesus ever un-burn a burned meal?

  • Did he ever quietly correct the bad breath of someone to whom he was speaking?

  • Did Jesus brush his teeth somehow?

Wow... it goes on and on. Trust me no disrespect meant... but God with us... Immanuel offers some interesting wondering.