Monday, April 16, 2007

Looking In The Media Mirror

How do you converse with people whose language you don't speak? You could always memorize word equivalents and just say stuff in the words they understand. But, having taken a couple of years of German in high school and college I know that's not going to cut it. That would only emphasize how much of a sore thumb you are as a foreigner in someone else's country but it will not help you establish a relationship among people from a different country. I learned you must not only know the words, but be able to put them together correctly to even begin to communicate.My daughter is a Spanish major with a linguistics minor in college right now. This summer she will be fulfilling a requirement to graduate; she will be attending a semester of college in a country whose native language is the language of her major. Again, I've been told for years you don't truly become conversant until you live with the folks who natively speak the tongue for a while. Even our idioms cannot be simply translated word for word with the words in the right order.
You may be wondering what all this has to do with "Looking In The Media Mirror" about now. I read a news byte on TechCrunch (a technology blog) today about GodTube, a new video sharing service launched a couple of months ago. Looking at ourselves in the mirror of others describing us can help us understand just how foreign we seem to them.
Check out's perspective on the recently launched and see if anything jumps out at you. What do you see that illustrates a cultural disconnect between where we tend to live as "churched" people and where those who are not "churched" live their lives?